Normandy Again, 2018
When Sofia Bastidas said “retrospective,” I saw that there might be a way to look back, even in a small space. If you see my Normandy of 1999 beside my Normandy Again of 2018, you see the time jump. Perhaps you sense the experiences between the Normandies – lines, geometry, memory, color, and materials flowing. I painted Normandy Again in the summer before the show, with its ancestor, Normandy, beside it.

Normandy, 1999
Normandy Again is on Yupo, 60” x 173”, in Oil, acrylic, ink and graphite.
Normandy of 1999, 52.5″ x 90″, is on paper, gessoed on both sides, Oil.
The exhibition: Emeriti: A Retrospective for Debora Hunter and Mary Vernon, Pollock Gallery, Division of Art, SMU, September 7 through October 20, 2018